City Keys Company

Your home in Mumbai!

At City Keys Company, we know that home is not just a place to live, it is where your story begins. We invite you to discover the enchanting world of Mumbai through our cozy and comfortable accommodations in the most desirable areas of this incredible city.
We offer a variety of housing options to suit each client's needs. Apartments, houses, commercial real estate - we have the perfect solution for you.

We offer a full range of real estate rental services

Searching and Providing Current Offers for Rental Housing

At City Keys, we understand that finding accommodation is an important and often challenging step, especially in a huge city like Mumbai. Our main goal is to make this process as convenient and efficient as possible for our clients.

1. Market Inside: Our team constantly monitors the real estate market in Mumbai with access to the latest data and offers. We know what properties are available on the market and can quickly find the best options for our clients.

2. Comparison of Needs: We carefully determine the needs and wishes of each client. This includes parameters such as budget, type of housing, number of rooms, desired area and other features.

3. Personal Approach: We don't just provide a list of available properties. We work individually with each client, providing only those options that suit their unique needs and requirements.

4. Viewing and Selection: After comparing the needs, we will organize a viewing of the objects. We are there with you and ready to answer your questions and provide all the necessary information.

5. Transparency: We provide clear and transparent information about rental conditions, including rental costs, terms and other important details. We guarantee that you will be aware of all costs and conditions.

6. Legal Support: We also provide legal support when concluding rental agreements so that our clients feel confident and protected.

7. Keeping an eye on you: Our customer care does not end after signing an agreement. We stay in touch with you and are ready to resolve any issues that may arise during the rental process.

Our goal is to make searching and renting accommodation in Mumbai as comfortable and convenient as possible for you. You can rely on our company to find the perfect accommodation that suits your needs and standards.

Consultations and Assistance in Choosing a Suitable Housing Option

In our company, we value the individual needs and wishes of each client. Finding the right home can be challenging, but we make it easier and more focused on you by providing advice and active support every step of the way.

1. Selecting Options: Starts with understanding your needs and desires. Our team discusses with you what exactly you are looking for: type of housing, number of rooms, desired area, budget and other parameters.

2. Tips and Recommendations: Based on your preferences, we provide professional advice and recommendations. We share information about the available options, their advantages and disadvantages, so you can make an informed choice.

3. Viewing of objects: We will organize viewing of available objects, accompanying you at every step. Together with you, we inspect the property, answer your questions and provide additional information about each property.

4. Analysis and Comparison: We help you analyze and compare different housing options, taking into account your criteria and requirements. We provide information about rental prices, terms and other aspects to help you make your decision.

5. Individual Approach: Our team works individually with each client, taking into account their unique needs. We strive to offer the best options that meet your expectations.

6. Transparent Terms: We always provide clear and transparent information on all aspects of the rental, including costs, deposits and arrangements, so you can feel confident.

We are ready to be your advisors and partners in finding suitable housing in Mumbai. At City Keys Company, your pleasure and satisfaction is our top priority and we do everything we can to make the rental process as convenient and easy as possible for you.

Rental of Property

Cozy and beautiful apartments

Luxurious and spacious houses

Support and Accompaniment of the Client at Each Stage of Rental

We strive to make the rental process as comfortable and stress-free as possible for our clients. Our support and support cover every stage of the rental:

Consultation and Planning: We start by listening carefully to your needs and wishes. Together we determine the criteria for finding housing, including type, budget, area and other parameters.
Option Selection: Our experts use their market knowledge and database to select the best options to suit your requirements.

Organization of Viewings: We will organize visits to objects that interest you. We are on site and ready to answer all your questions and provide additional details.
Advice and Valuation: We provide you with professional advice and valuation of each property, taking into account its condition, value and additional conditions.

Legal Support: We provide legal support when signing a lease agreement. Our experts ensure that all terms are fair and transparent.
Explanation of Terms: We explain to you in detail all the terms of the contract, including the rental price, terms and rights and obligations of the tenant.

Move-in and Registration: We accompany you through the process of moving into and registering into your new home, helping you with the necessary formalities.
After Sales Service: Our concern for you does not end once the contract is signed. We stay in touch with you and are ready to resolve any issues that may arise during the rental process.

Problem Solving: If any problems arise during your rental, we are ready to respond quickly and find solutions. Your satisfaction is our priority.
We strive to make the rental process as convenient and stress-free as possible for you. Your pleasure and satisfaction is our main goal and we do our best to provide you with support and guidance at every stage of your rental.

Transparent and Reliable Legal Agreements

We place great importance on ensuring that the legal aspects of rental housing are transparent, understandable and reliable for our clients.

Complete Information Documents: We provide our clients with complete legal documents, including lease agreements, with a clear and detailed description of all terms and conditions.
Clear Terms: All terms and conditions of the lease, including rental price, terms, deposits, and the rights and obligations of the tenant and landlord, are described clearly and understandably.
Answers to Questions: We are ready to answer all your questions and clarify any points related to legal documents so that you feel confident and informed.

Legal Compliance

Compliance with Local Laws: All of our legal documents comply with local laws and regulations to ensure they are legal and respect the rights and interests of all parties.
Legal Support: Our team includes lawyers and experts who monitor changes in legislation and ensure that our documents always comply with current legal standards.

Individual Approach: We approach each client individually, taking into account their unique needs and requirements. This also applies to the drafting of legal documents, which can be tailored to suit specific conditions.
Fairness and Fair Dispute Resolution: In the event of disputes or misunderstandings, we always strive for a fair resolution, protecting the interests of both tenants and landlords.

Long-Term Relationships: We strive to create long-term relationships with our clients, and our legal agreements are one of the main tools for building trust.
Responsibility: We take responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of legal documents, and are always ready to support our clients in any matters related to rental housing.

We place special emphasis on creating transparent and reliable legal agreements so that our clients can rent with absolute confidence through City Keys Company. Your peace of mind and trust are our top priority, and we do everything possible to provide you with quality legal support.

City Keys Company